Pete Just, CETL, served as the Chief Technology Officer for the Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township in Indianapolis, IN, from 2009-2022 and has led the IT Service team since 1998. Formerly a biology teacher and athletic trainer, Pete taught high school science and media for thirteen years. He began his trajectory toward technology leadership on an Apple IIe the media specialist let him borrow. Believing that technology held great promise for K-12 education, he pursued and received his graduate degree from Indiana University in Instructional Systems Technology and has been deep in digital innovation ever since. Pete earned his CETL credential in 2013. Pete helped to found the Indiana CTO Council, has served on the CoSN national board for nine years and is past CoSN Chair.
Formerly a biology teacher and athletic trainer, Pete taught high school science and media for thirteen years. He has studied and done work toward technology initiatives that focus on the core of education – our classrooms. He is convinced that technology has the power to be an equalizer and empower learners. His mission has been to seek out valuable technology trends and best educational practices and then enable systemic changes to make them a reality for staff and students.
Pete was involved in the launch of Indiana’s first online school in 1999 and additional online and blended programs, including the launch of Achieve Virtual Education Academy in 2010. He led the township’s technology application of Universal Design for Learning in the installation of AV systems in all classrooms beginning in 1998.
With the support of his team, the MSD of Wayne Township has successfully created environments and systems to allow students to have multiple pathways to graduation, enabling long-term student success.
Pete earned his Certified Educational Technology Leader (CETL) credential in the inaugural 2013 cohort. Pete was elected to the CoSN Board of Directors in 2014, continues to serve as an executive board member, and recently served as CoSN Board Chair.
Pete is co-founder and served three years as Chairman of the Indiana Chief Technology Officer’s Council, the Indiana Chapter of CoSN. He has been involved in developing standards for classroom technology, blended and virtual learning, and K12 CyberSecurity.
He is committed to developing personal and future leadership and developed and leads Indiana’s CTO2B Mentoring Program for the next generation of technology leaders.
He was Chairman of the CoSN national conference in 2014 and 2015.
He desires to help technology leaders be empowered with the resources they need to sustainably promote best practices in their own school systems.
He serves on several industry advisory councils and has been referenced and interviewed in several professional articles and journals
He has made numerous presentations at the state and national level.
Pete has been an adjunct lecturer in educational leadership and technology integration for the Indiana University School of Education.
Dedicated to using technology to enhance learning and opportunity, Pete shows passion for giving all students the chance to fulfill their God-given potential. He is proud of his wife, Melinda, and three children, who inspire and encourage him.